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Following successful Application and Registration, the next part of the process of opening a children’s home has greater focus on operational matters. Basically, ensuring the home is ready to offer your first placement to a young person. You will of course want to complete this work as quickly as possible for many reasons, including the need to start to generate income as quickly as possible.


The challenge is to now put your aspirational statements found in your Statement of Purpose, etc., into practice. However, at EHP Children's Homes (Consultancy), we believe there is no point in successfully completing the Registration process only to encounter problems at a later stage that either affect the business model or the quality of provision. In other words, after such a significant investment so far, do not fall at the first hurdle, i.e., your first Ofsted inspection.


EHP Consultancy offer a unique Mentorship and Oversight model to support you through this significant stage of your service’s development. We offer inclusive:


·    1:1 supervision for your Responsible Individual (RI)


·    1:1 supervision for your Registered Manager (RM) – or group supervision for the RM and Deputy Managers/Supervisors/Seniors


·    Point of contact outside of structured/planned meetings for strategic and operation support, advice and guidance


·    Application of our extensive commercial knowledge to advise on placements, e.g., costings, etc. Additionally, use of our extensive experience to assess referral documents to ensure the young person’s placement is more likely to be successful and this includes compatibility assessments for subsequent referrals


·    Additional operational policies (see below for content) and a Staff Handbook (Code of Practice) (see below for content) that provides a basic guide of operational practice for all staff (covering 70 different subjects) whatever their level of experience  


·    Assessment of practice to ensure regulatory compliance with Grade Descriptors used to inform Ofsted inspection judgements (i.e. Outstanding, Good, Adequate, or Inadequate)


·    Operational support with inspections via our bespoke audit tool (Inspection ‘readiness’)


·    Comment on Regulation 44 reports


·    Up to date knowledge of Ofsted requirements


Operational policies includes: Accident and Incident policy/Audit tool (Governance and Quality)/Business continuity/CCTV/Delegated authority decision (support tool) for managers/Dynamic development plan for managers/E-Safety/Induction checklist/Induction guidance/Infection control/Lone working policy/Safe Handling of medication policy/Safer recruitment & selection/Self-harm and suicide policy


Staff Handbook (Code of Practice) includes: Admission and reception of young people; Annual leave and time off in lieu (TOIL); Bedtimes and returning home times; Cycles, skateboards, rollerblades etc.; Bullying; Child protection; Case management recording system; Clothing (young people and staff); Complaints (young people, staff and the public); Computers and other technology; Confidentiality; Consistency; Courts and police involvement; Daily routines; Home Diary and Shift Pack; Discrimination; Education; First Aid; Food and meal arrangements; Gifts; Health promotion; Health and safety and risk assessments; Hepatitis and Blood Contamination; Individual responses; Induction; Inspections and Regulation 44; Keyworking; Leaving care; Lone working; Management of behaviours; Management team; Medication; Missing young people; Mobile phones; Off-site activities; Out of hours support; Phone use (Landline); Personal and professional boundaries; Personal property; Petty cash; Physical contact; Professional judgements; Pocket money; Privacy; Recording and confidentiality; Relationships; Religion and cultural identity; Repairs and maintenance; Restorative approaches; Reviews and meetings; Risk Assessments (Generic); Rotas; Safer recruitment and selection policy; Sanctions; Searching rooms; Security; Self-harm and suicide; Sexual issues and sexual health; Shift leading; Sickness reporting; Smoking; Staff meetings; Staff support; Standards of Behaviour (Staff); Substance misuse; Support workers; Training; Vaccinations; Vehicles; Visitors; Whistleblowing; Working with parents and relatives, Young peoples’ meetings.


Please contact EHP Children’s Homes (Consultancy) for costings.

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